Hi! My name is Ashley but on fantage my name is Rosalie001 so call me Rosie, Ashley, or Ninja_and_Spy!! What ever it is on the chat! We made this blog like along time ago and we decided to fix it all up, make it pretty, delete old posts and add new ones! This blog contains drawings by me and rocky and stories written by me. I think rocky gonna contain a few fantage news thing. If she does a page will open up for that! Thank you for reading this little message right here! Let me now talk about myself.
Fave color: Red
Fave Food: Pizza, Spaghetti, and chocolate!
Fave place on fantage: Grotto and my Home
Fave Game: Buzzer Beater and Fashion Show!
Loves to write stories and draws.
Have 4 bffls shout out to: Kasa, Rocky, Shannon, Michelle.